Laptop Repair Institute in Thane | Star Institute

Laptop Repair Institute in Thane | Star Institute
Laptop Repair Institute in Thane | Star Institute

Can you imagine your life without your laptop? Well, 90 per cent of the world’s population would say ‘No’. Laptops are the key productive devices used by students, professionals, homemakers and even by kids for entertainment. But at the same time, they are also one of the most significant sources of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) radiation, which are declared toxic by the World Health organization.

Like all wireless devices connected to WiFi, laptops use radio frequency (RF) energy. In May 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a body of World Health Organization has stated that radio frequency is “possibly carcinogenic to human

Among all the electronic devices and gadgets like desktops, microwave ovens, laptops are one of the highest sources of EMF as their underside releases high frequency EMF radiations. Laptops are kept in direct contact with our lap. Its undersides emit 40- 100 milliGauss EMF, which is 40X to 100X higher than the standard limit of EMF exposure.

To reduce the impact of radiation exposure on our body, the Federal Communication Commission (a scientific legislative body of the US government) has recommended maintaining a minimum distance of 20 cm between the laptop and the user. The proximity of laptop to human body while in use causes harmful impact on fertility, sleep, body tissues, etc.

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